Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Monday, 29 April 2019
7 Headline Tips That Improve Lead Generation
Writing headlines should be a straightforward process. You want the audience to know what the benefits are of clicking through and reading what's behind the headline.https://ezinearticles.com/?7-Headline-Tips-That-Improve-Lead-Generation&id=10110570
The headline should entice, inspire, and encourage your audience to do more.
1. Know Your Target Audience
Understanding the audience you want to attract with your headline is imperative in getting the headline worded correctly. The more you can narrow down the person in your mind, the easier it will be to create an effective headline. Learn your audience, know what words they like to use, and how to frame the problem and the solution in a way that piques their curiosity.
2. Write the Content First
Often, if you write the content first (whether it's a sales page, a landing page, an article, or a blog post), it's easier to come up with a headline that covers all the bases. Some people say that you should write the sales page before you even create the product, so it makes sense that you should write the content before you finish the headline.
3. Start with Benefits
Your audience wants to know what's in it for them. Your headline should tell them. Look at the headline of this article. A benefit is that these tips will improve lead generation. It gave you a reason to read the tips. That's why you're reading it now. It's not a trick; it's just the facts.
4. Include Problems
If your audience has a problem (for example, they want to generate more leads, sell more products, lose weight, or whatever that is), say it in the headline. The words in the headline will help them find the information and give them an idea of what's inside the content.
5. Don't Be Tricky
Avoid trying to be tricky just to get clicks. Of course, there are times when a funny headline can do wonders to get clicks, likes, shares, and so forth, but you should be very careful because they don't usually work.
6. Read Your Headlines Out Loud
Once you've created a headline, go ahead and write three or four for the same content. Then read them out loud. Do they sound natural? Which one seems the most interesting and the most relevant to your audience? If you like them all, remember you can use them in other platforms to announce the information.
7. Test and Revise
Anytime you create a new headline, it's imperative that you test it. You can test two or more headlines against each other to find out which works best, using A/B testing software via Google or another platform. This will help tremendously.
Remember the reason you want to create an amazing headline. Know what the entire point is. Is it to make a sale? Is it to get them to click through and read a blog post? Do you want them to download your lead magnet? Knowing what you want the action to be and where you are directing them to, helps create the best headlines.
When you write and manage your content correctly, it will make your life easier and your business grow. To discover how the most successful online entrepreneurs plan, create and deliver great content, download my free checklist, The 5 Step Content Strategy, at https://jonallo.com/contentplan
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10110570
Saturday, 27 April 2019
8 Tips To Make Your Career Change A Successful One
Are you one of the many that are seriously considering making a career change, and thinking about the steps needed to make a successful switch? It's important to have a good plan in place before committing to starting a new career. https://ezinearticles.com/?8-Tips-To-Make-Your-Career-Change-A-Successful-One&id=9989236
A Good Plan and a Long-Term View
It's best to be sure that the change will bring you and your family happiness, joy, and financial security. A low-stress atmosphere each day is always recommended and beneficial long-term.
Here's a list of 8 things that I would need to do to make my career change a successful one:
- I would make a list of my personal, and family needs or requirements. I'll include everything that I need to keep myself in a happy and comfy state while I make this career change.
- What will I give in exchange for learning and earning in my new career? It is very important to understand that in order to add such an activity as a new career to my life, I need to take the time and energy away from something else and give it to my future pursuit. I will no doubt have to give up some TV time, maybe not watch television for a few hours per night. I'll have to give up my wasted computer time of watching YouTube videos about news and entertainment, or I might need to sacrifice a few nights a week and weekends. Many fail because they simply cannot find the time to change. It's always up to me to take my own time and spend it wisely. This determines my success and speed in reaching my goals.
- Do I have what it takes to excel at this new career? I need to be honest with myself. I might have to develop the qualities and characteristics that are necessary in order to thrive and be successful in this new career. An example can be seen in a salesperson. An experienced and successful salesperson will have great communication skills. Whatever product or service they're selling, they have the skills needed for a solid foundation. Skills like good leadership, organizational skills, and they're great listeners, able to read their prospect's minds well. They know how to explain, in a convincing way, how their product or service is perfect for them and something that they just can't live without. These are all abilities that can be developed and many have sharpened their characters to excel in their profession and have become very successful.
- I'll want to talk to a few people who are currently in the career that I'm considering and ask questions and get a good picture of what it's like from one day to another in that particular job or career. I'll make a list of the pros and cons. Some things might sound great and rewarding, but once I do my research my mind might change and see it as less appealing.
- It's easier now than ever before to get educated on just about any career that I might want to do. Using the internet I can always find more than enough information, courses, groups, and local resources to learn from. I may have to learn from a few different sources and through the internet, I can connect with whoever I need to in order to get what I need to progress in my situation. I can Google them and follow them on social media and forums, etc.
- I'll need to be ready for challenges and set my mind to overcome them all and not give up. It's important to consider the cost before I start my journey into my new career. If I become aware of the challenges through my research then I can prepare myself to meet that situation before the need arises. Some underestimate the challenges and overestimate their own abilities to meet the challenges. That's why it's necessary for me to consider these things before committing to a career that I might be tired of in a few years. Once I'm sure of the path that I want to take I can put my plan for success in place.
- Now I'll follow my plan and overcome all obstacles until I reach a certain amount of success. My plan might change some along the way but I'll continually learn and strive to reach my goals asap and not waste my time but I'll do my best to make the most of it.
- I would also join a community group of like-minded individuals that all have similar type goals. This group will help one another reach their goals, and will even celebrate with them when they are reached.
My name is Pete would you like to learn about starting your own online business within a large active community of about a million people? it would be a great idea to take advantage of an absolutely FREE opportunity>>> 10 FREE Certification Course Lessons and get 2 FREE WordPress websites to create, step by step, your own sites. There is No Card Required - Nothing To Lose. Sign In at the bottom of every page>>>www.NewCareerat40.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Mangini/2298216
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9989236
Friday, 26 April 2019
Joining And Posting To Facebook Groups
A Facebook group is a great place to place your ads for free or have interactions with other people within your niche. There are literally thousands of groups to join so it's just to find the ones that cater to your niche.https://ezinearticles.com/?Joining-And-Posting-To-Facebook-Groups&id=9846430
To join a Facebook group you need a Facebook profile if you happen to be one without a Facebook profile type Facebook in the address bar of your browser you will then be taken to a page to sign up for a Facebook profile. And to inform you, Facebook does NOT have any affiliate programs or offer any affiliate links, so you can not offer Facebook for any monetary gains.
Now if you already have a Facebook profile what you need to do is:
Go to your Facebook profile, while you are on your wall click on the link to the left where it says Groups, type your niche in the search bar at the top or click on the "manage group" under the down arrow in the top right of your Facebook profile.
Whatever engagement you have in the Facebook groups, will show in all your friend's notifications if they are also in those groups. Granted they have not turned off the group's notifications.
As I tried to demonstrate above there are:
3 ways to find and post in groups:
Step 1) Go to the left of your Facebook page while in your news wall (the wall where you get your friends post updates on) Scroll down until you find "Explore" under that, it should be a link that says "Groups"
Step 2) Type your niche keywords in the Facebook search box, e.g: internet marketing, make money online, MLM, work from home etc.
Step 3) Go to the little down arrow on the top right and click on it, then a list should come up. Scroll down until you see where it says "Manage Groups" and click on that link.
I have to tell you that Facebook has a restriction on how many groups you can join in one day. I would stick with 10 -15 groups a day just to be safe. I am however not sure what their limit is but it may be something like 50... I think, but like I said, I am not sure so to stay on the safe side just follow my suggestion on 10-15 groups.
If you don't have anything to promote on Facebook... you can do a search on Google.com with search term/keyword: free affiliate offers
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kiesha_Michelle_F/1468554
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9846430
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Effectively Sharing Customized Content on LinkedIn
Creating amazing content, in general, is an absolute necessity for your brand. On top of that, you have to consider the various social media networks of which you are a member. https://ezinearticles.com/?Effectively-Sharing-Customized-Content-on-LinkedIn&id=9866515 The interactions that result from the content that you post are essential for your business. One important thing to remember is that the content that you share will not (and should not) necessarily be identical on every social network.
The nature of your content
The top social network for professionals is LinkedIn. The content that you share on LinkedIn must be a really tight fit for the people with whom you interact because you not only want those people to read what you are posting, you also want them to share your content as much as possible (with the right people). If that is going to happen, you will have to make sure that your content is compelling, valuable, educational, and thought provoking. That may seem like a tall order but once you get a few successful pieces of content under your belt, it will become easier to write content that possesses all of those qualities.
The top social network for professionals is LinkedIn. The content that you share on LinkedIn must be a really tight fit for the people with whom you interact because you not only want those people to read what you are posting, you also want them to share your content as much as possible (with the right people). If that is going to happen, you will have to make sure that your content is compelling, valuable, educational, and thought provoking. That may seem like a tall order but once you get a few successful pieces of content under your belt, it will become easier to write content that possesses all of those qualities.
Now that you have wrapped your mind around those concepts, you have a responsibility to give your target audience members what they want so that you can get what you need as well. There is no doubt that everyone will benefit if you write great content that appeals to other people enough for them to want to share it with other people whom they know and trust.
You may wish to look at it in another way. If you share valuable content, you will have proven yourself as the expert who you know you are, they will come off as looking really good, and their friends and colleagues will have amazing content in their hands.
When it comes to sharing valuable content on LinkedIn, there is another positive result that will come from that as well. It will help you to build up your network of contacts, which are very important for your brand and your business.
There are several different things that you can do that will cause other people to share the content that you post on LinkedIn:
- Write a title that makes them stand up and pay attention: Because of the sheer volume of content on the Internet, your title must stand out above the rest. That means that you need to start with the first part of the content that they will see, which is the title. The title needs to be everything that it should be (and then some). Not only must your title grab the attention of your readers but it must go way beyond that. Your title must be compelling, intriguing, and exciting. It is important to remember here that your title must encapsulate the entire article and if you don't deliver on your promise in the title, you will lose credibility with your readers.
- Wrap your mind around your target audience: It is critical to your success that you understand exactly who your target audience is and to have a strong sense of what they want to read. You certainly want to give them whatever they want and need, if at all possible. Your title (and the rest of the article) should address whatever problem they are trying to solve and have not been able to solve up to this point. The concept that should be motivating you is, WIIFM (What's In It For Me?). No matter how amazing you and your business may happen to be, if you are not able to solve their problem(s), you won't get anywhere with them. It is that simple.
- Make sure that your content is unique: People who are involved with LinkedIn have a great deal of content that is at their fingertips at any given moment. That is exactly why your content must stand out and it must always be different enough for others to pay attention to. This is where your creativity will come into play. It must, in fact. The last thing that you want to do is to share content that sounds just like everyone else's content. It just doesn't make any sense. If that were the case, your readers would read the first thing that they see, with no discrimination whatsoever. Try to think outside of the box as much as you can. There is no doubt that you are capable of doing that. It may just take a little bit of practice.
- Always use your own voice: It is essential that you find your voice and use it on a consistent basis. Your voice is what makes your writing and your business uniquely yours. Your voice will get you very far. It will be the reason why other people want to connect with you, want to read your content, and want to eventually buy what you are selling. Never pretend to be someone you are not. People will know that you are not being genuine.
- Connect with your readers emotionally: Without the emotional connection, you will not be able to build a relationship. The emotional connection is why humans relate to each other. They feel similar feelings and have had common experiences. It is a well-known fact that people buy products and/or services based on how those products and/or services or the person who is doing the selling makes them feel. They will never buy for any other reason. With that in mind, you need to make sure that you get it right every time.
LinkedIn is the top social network for professional people. The content that you share through LinkedIn must be unique and extremely effective for that particular social network. The story that you tell through your content must be memorable and it must touch your readers profoundly. Always keep in mind that your content, which must be very well written, should also be posted with appropriate frequency as well. More is not always better but too little is not effective either. If you share effective content, you will not only please your readers but you will also make them feel that they want to share that content with other people whom they know and trust, which is exactly what you want them to do.
LinkedIn is the top social network for professional people. The content that you share through LinkedIn must be unique and extremely effective for that particular social network. The story that you tell through your content must be memorable and it must touch your readers profoundly. Always keep in mind that your content, which must be very well written, should also be posted with appropriate frequency as well. More is not always better but too little is not effective either. If you share effective content, you will not only please your readers but you will also make them feel that they want to share that content with other people whom they know and trust, which is exactly what you want them to do.
Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.
His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.
Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.
Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_Cohn/404898
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9866515
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Productivity Is a Trap When Pursuing Your Goals
Broadly speaking productivity is the measurement of how much you get done how quickly. We want to see our personal productivity rise, especially as we're trying to achieve greater and greater Goals. https://ezinearticles.com/?Productivity-Is-a-Trap-When-Pursuing-Your-Goals&id=10066715 It gives us a great sense of satisfaction and achievement to get more done in less time, as it should. The productivity trap is sprung when we begin to get addicted to checking off items on our to-do list.
It's almost a universal thing. Ask anyone who keeps a to-do list of some kind if they've ever written something down on their to-do list AFTER it's been done just so they can check it off? We've all done this. We really like to check the boxes. It shows us we've done something. We've made progress towards our Goals, and done a great deal of work.
Sometimes we've got a really large number of tasks on our t0-do lists. It can be overwhelming just looking at the quantity. When it does get bad, we tend to want to start doing the easy tasks before the important tasks. The easy ones take the least amount of time, so you can get more done in less time that it takes to do one large task. That makes you more productive, right? What if those easy tasks are low priority, low impact tasks? Is it really productive to do 10 of those instead of one high priority, high impact task?
Sometimes those easier tasks are important to your overall Goals. In fact, sometimes you have to do several easier tasks as part of an overall bigger task. Sometimes you have to do them before you can move on to bigger tasks. The important thing that makes you truly productive is to be working on the right things at the right time. That's being effective. Being effective is the highest form of productivity.
It's far more critical to our success to be doing the most important thing on our list. The thing we have to determine is what makes one time more important than any other? There's two factors that go into that. Impact and time. What's the impact of doing that task? Does it make other tasks easier? Does it move you forward the most, or is it the next task in a sequential list? Does it have to be done before you can do anything else?
Next, how much time will it take to do the task? This one is trickier, because this is where temptation is the greatest. If you have two or more tasks that are critical or of equal importance, how do you decide what to do? Do you do the quickest one just to make sure something gets done? Or do you tackle the one that takes the most time, jeopardizing getting anything done at all? Unless it's impossible to do the larger task in the time you have, or you have to keep going until it's done instead of just picking it up tomorrow, you should always tackle the bigger task. It's far too easy to put it off because it's a large task.
That's the real trap. Letting larger tasks get put off because we think we can't finish it. We trade that work and sense of accomplishment for the quick fix of adrenaline and pleasure that comes from checking off that box. It gets to be like an addiction, because we tell ourselves we're really making progress, when we're just spinning our wheels.
Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now.
Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet.
To learn more about Tim's ideas on Success, go to http://www.Success-Maniacs.com to learn more.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10066715
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
How to Make Money Streaming - 6 Ways to Monetize Your Video
How to make money streaming - 6 ways to go live and get paid
In this article, we are going to see how you can make money by video streaming or in other words monetize your live video stream. https://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Make-Money-Streaming---6-Ways-to-Monetize-Your-Video&id=10037876
1. Run ads
Running ads is one sure method of monetizing your live video stream. There are two types of video ads - In-Stream (Linear video ads) and In-Display (non-linear video ads). The ads that are displayed before the video are called linear video ads while the non-linear ads are the ones that the viewers see concurrently while watching the video.
Ads are a great way to monetize your video content, but it's tricky. You need to play the ad, get the viewer to click on it, and at the same time ensure that the viewer doesn't get bored and leave your live stream. Plus, major platforms like Facebook and YouTube have different regulations for video streaming and running ads.
When to run the ads - the best time would be when the creator or the person doing the live streaming wants to take a break. Time the ad correctly - don't leave the viewer hanging in the middle of a sentence!
When you're running a live stream on YouTube, you can play the ad at any point of time in your live video. However, do try to keep your audience informed that a break would be coming up.
On Facebook, not every video streamer will have the option of taking a break. If your Facebook page displaying the live stream has more than 50,000 followers and more than 300 concurrent viewers in the last live video, you can take a break after 4 minutes.
If you want to maximize the earnings from your live video stream, you need to build traffic to your website or your Facebook page. When you have higher number of visitors, the number of concurrent viewers increase, so the chances of ads converting are higher, which translates to increased revenue.
2. Subscriptions/Pay per view
The other way to make money from your videos is to get your audience to subscribe or pay for your video. You could release a teaser, giving the audience a taste of what is to come. If the viewers want to watch more, they need to subscribe to your page or pay for the video. Streaming platforms such as Vimeo Live and IBM Cloud have in-built subscription features.
3. Donations and Crowdfunding
A recent study by Deloitte Global found that "Donations are also an emerging element of the business model for other live-streaming platforms, including platforms used for streaming video game play." Many live streams are asking their fans for donations and in return giving them virtual gifts.
Crowdfunding is another method to monetize your video stream. Indiegogo, Kickstarter and Patreon are a few of the popular crowd-funding platforms. You need to create an account on these platforms, build your project, specify your goals, and then promote your project on other platforms, so people visit your project page and contribute to it.
4. Affiliates
Setting up an affiliate program is a sure way of monetizing your video stream. It could however take time to establish and give you the returns you expect. The best part is that once you have set it up, you can passively earn money as your video gets more popular.
You need to first link up with affiliate platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. You can create videos about products sold on the platforms. If you have a video stream that focusses on technology, then you can choose such products. For example, a mobile phone - you can create a video about the features of the mobile phone, trouble shooting tips, best ways to customize the cell phone, and lot's more. At the end of the video, direct the viewer to go to the product page on the affiliate platform. Every time a viewer clicks on your video and goes to the affiliate site, you earn a commission.
5. Sponsorships
If your live stream channel is popular, then you can confidently approach the larger players in the market for deals and sponsorships. Brands don't come forward to sponsor your video stream, you need to take the first step and approach the right people. However, when you're doing that make sure you stay within your niche. The theme of your video should be in accord with the brand that is sponsoring you.
6. Sell your products
Live videos are a great opportunity for subconscious selling. For ages, marketers have been using this technique to sell products and services to their audience. However, you should remember that subconscious selling only happens when you have already built the trust in your viewers. Market research shows that a person is more likely to buy a product when someone in his/her social group has already purchased it. That's why influencers play a huge role in promotions. However, you don't have to directly sell your product when you're streaming the live video. Use the product and then casually talk about its features and where one can buy it and then go back to your video's main theme. This could subconsciously encourage viewers to check out the product and buy it.
Live video streaming gives you plenty of scope to explore your passion, share your views with your fans, and still get to earn money. To make the maximum earnings from your live video streams, you can use a mix of the above 6 ways. Competition on the internet is very high, so you need to continually work to keep your fans' attentions so that they keep coming back to you. To keep your fans interested, your video content needs to be interesting, useful, and clear. Create great videos and build a loyal fan following - you can surely see returns on your investment.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Hemalatha_Gangadharan/905950
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10037876
Monday, 22 April 2019
Best Video Marketing Tips You Should Know About
If you're responsible for marketing a business, you need to get involved with making videos for your company. https://ezinearticles.com/?Best-Video-Marketing-Tips-You-Should-Know-About&id=10072351 No two ways about it; video marketing is an effective and evolving tool for marketing that nearly every marketing manager can benefit from. Check out the tips in the following article to get started on your video marketing campaign today.
Don't be afraid of complex video marketing strategies. It is simple to make a good video with basic equipment. You can show customers your workplace, manufacturing centre or just discuss your expertise.
Videos can easily be used to explain your products or services to potential customers. Seeing how a product works will help your customers understand how to use your product and why buying from you is preferable to other sellers. So, learning to make videos to explain what you are selling will easily help build your customer base.
After you have published your video, include your web address in the video description. You will also want to include several keywords that describe your video in the description. This will help users find your information and search engines effectively rank your video. Your web address can also be included in your video.
When shooting a video it is okay to keep things simple with your equipment. In most cases, it's not the technical brilliance of the clip that achieves the desired results. Some of the most basic video marketing has been done by large corporations like Dell or Apple.
Remember how important a catchy title is to the success of your video. More viewers will be interested in your videos if the titles make sense and attract their attention. This is what makes them more interested in the topic you're discussing. Take some time to brainstorm titles that are creative if you want your video marketing to be successful.
If you are thinking of using video marketing to increase your sales and website traffic, then look to your competition for some clues. See what is working for them and try to capitalize off of this information. You do not have to copy them, but see what is working for them and try to make it work for you.
Don't only rely on videos in your marketing campaign. They are great marketing tools, however, they should not replace your other marketing tactics. Videos should not replace content creation like article writing or blogging. Videos should simply be used to enhance the content in your marketing campaign and to build up your link portfolio.
The content you use needs to be interesting. Make your video really pack a punch. Popular video hosting sites such as YouTube can expose you to many potential customers, but there is no way to attract them with boring videos. A lot of people want to watch videos that are relevant. Interesting videos ultimately increase traffic.
Maybe you aren't going to be the star of your show, but you do need to find a good spokesperson or mascot to help market your videos. Try to find somebody that is natural when speaking and generally makes people around them feel comfortable. People want to watch somebody they feel that they can trust.
If you have a product that is quite difficult to use, you should create a video that will give step-by-step directions to users. They will appreciate the time you took to explain your products to them. This will make it more likely they will come to you when looking for additional products.
Keep in mind that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty-inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels.
Make sure each video contains a clear call to action. Inform your viewers of where your products and services are located and insist that they act immediately. Make it easy for your visitors to follow through by making your instructions simple and clear. Specific, bold calls to action are smart ways to conclude your videos.
Perfection is not your goal! You do not need professional equipment to create quality videos. A webcam or a basic camera will be enough. Also, if you have a cell phone with a video camera on it, you can utilize it for your work. So long as you have solid information and remain professional, people are going to watch your videos.
Try to let your unique personality come through in your videos. Your audience is predominantly interested in seeing exactly what you have to offer. The more viewers feel that they know you, the more likely they are to develop a relationship with your brand and not with your competitors! Many customers appreciate the chance to link a friendly face to a company and its products and services.
Don't think in terms of a single video. Think of an entire series of videos, which can become a marketing campaign. If you create a show which appears every week on a specific topic, for example, people will come back to see what's new, and you'll grow a loyal viewer base.
Once you begin with video marketing, you'll probably find it impossible to stop. It's effective, easy, cost-effective and really fast to produce! It can also put your business on the Internet map, boosting your customer base right along with the bottom line. Get started soon and realize your potential in video marketing.
Cameron Nyack is an Accountant and Business Consultant currently involved in the TeleMedicine field, a fast-growing part of the healthcare system and is looking for Independent Brokers. Learn more about Cameron at his website, http://cameronnyack.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cameron_Nyack/2629136
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10072351
Saturday, 20 April 2019
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Expert Advice On Reputation Management For Business
Many people go into business thinking that they will succeed, but too often it only results in mistakes and this leads to a bad reputation.https://ezinearticles.com/?Expert-Advice-On-Reputation-Management-For-Business&id=10069520 If you would like helpful tips on what it takes to build positive business relationships and maintain a good reputation, then you will need to read the article below. Continue ahead to learn this important business skills.
To improve the reputation of your business, always follow up on any issues with your customers. This is especially the case if your business is larger. The customers need to feel important. Try using a system that's automated and can work with a customer. You can also ask them to provide feedback on their recent interactions with your business.
Make sure that at least several of your business web pages are optimized for your business name. You want Google to recognize your business homepage as the authoritative Internet site about your business. You want to have the number one search position for your business name, not number two or three behind a Wikipedia article or some blog. Make sure that your website is the first listing someone sees when they Google your brand.
Try using a social network like LinkedIn to help your reputation management. This social network can rank a bit higher than some of the other ones. It is also an important tool for B2B companies. This is because many people like to search for professional services on LinkedIn instead of search engines.
If you make a mistake, apologize quickly. Most people realize that everyone is human and mistakes do happen. If you are able to rectify the mistake do so quickly and address it on your website or social media site. If you are unable to rectify the mistake, apologize and go on with your business.
Before you start marketing to your customers, make sure that you are aware of the demographic you are targeting. This will help you figure out how to connect with them. Your tone, content and verbiage are supposed to differ in accordance with the type of people you are trying to appeal to.
Stay on top of the news and other information that has to do with your service or product. This will help to keep your brand fresh, and it gives you an edge against your competition. Take a few minutes each day to run an online search to get the newest facts about the industry you're in.
If you own a company, you should always treat your employees well. If you don't, it will come back to harm you in the end. If others spread the word that you aren't a good boss, then a lot of potential customers might refuse to have anything to do with your business.
Watch what you say. This applies to both online and offline interactions. Avoid having any discussions about illegal activity or making derogatory comments. You also want to avoid having yourself and your business tied to images that are explicit or inappropriate. Also, try to avoid doing or saying anything negative that will be on a news station. Potential investors and customers may see these things as red flags.
Survey your current customers. You may have customers that have suggestions that may help you build your company or improve your products. This can be done in several ways. You can send a survey to everyone on your mailing list or you can simply place a suggestion box in your business.
Some people are simply impossible to please reasonably. If you believe your customer has an irrelevant or untruthful complaint, do what you can to make them happy. As a business owner, sometimes you have to suck up your pride and think about how your customer or client is always right.
When people give you negative reviews, you should try your best to address them without admitting any fault. As soon as you admit responsibility for things, you will look incompetent in the eyes of your customers. It is best to apologize for their dissatisfaction, and not for any incident in particular.
Do not attempt to hide the mistakes you have made. Customers will realize. Give in to the fact that you made an error and offer a sincere apology. If you are humble, they'll forgive your firm.
Try to follow up with your customers soon after they make purchases. This will make it more likely that they will express concerns with you rather than sharing them all over the Internet. You can use this as an opportunity to resolve the issue before it gets out of hand.
Make sure that your personal social networking pages are completely private to everyone except your friends. While this may seem like you are being irrationally mysterious, the result will be negative people having less of your information to run with. Business pages should always be available to everyone that wants to take a look.
Make the most of social media to build a solid online reputation. Be sure your company name plays prominently on your social media pages. If you have a couple of dozen fans on your Facebook page, get a custom URL that includes the name of your company. This is also possible with LinkedIn. Having your company name in your URL will help get your social media page ranked higher in the search engines.
As you can see from the above article, it is simple to maintain a good business reputation when you have the necessary skills to succeed. Keep these helpful tips in mind as you navigate your way through the business world. Always remember that your reputation is everything, and if you do, there should be no reason why you can't succeed in business.
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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cameron_Nyack/2629136
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10069520
Monday, 15 April 2019
3 Barriers to Break and Get Your Service-Based Business E-Commerce Ready
You might not think your service can be sold online but here's 3 reasons why you might be wrong!
We've all seen how rapidly e-commerce has taken over but many service-based small business owners and entrepreneurs are still gun shy about taking their business to the next level online.https://ezinearticles.com/?3-Barriers-to-Break-and-Get-Your-Service-Based-Business-E-Commerce-Ready&id=10020125
Whether you sell a physical product or provide a service you could benefit from online sales.
In this post we'll look at the barriers presented by e-commerce for service providers and how many perceived obstacles are easily and affordably addressed by planning your approach like a pro (or with one) and using third party tools that make the whole process much easier.
Want to use sponsored posts on Instagram to grow your business? Try our post: 3 Beginner Steps to Building Your Business on Instagram Using Sponsored Posts.
Here's 3 common barriers business owners face when contemplating adding e-commerce to their business tools:
1. You Don't Sell a Product
Many businesses sell a service that can't draw a clear line between the user and the service.
Whether it's consulting, speaking, coaching, or any other industry where you are the product, the perception is that e-commerce isn't something you should pursue.
In reality you do sell something, but you'll have to be an out-of-the-box thinker if you want to use e-commerce to build your business and your personal brand.
Are you a consultant? Consultants tend to adapt to the project and use their experience to guide business owners or other service providers through a lengthy process that evolves as the problems are discovered.
Sometimes there are consistent problems that are encountered and that's where you will see your opportunities.
If you see that company after company is hitting the same wall and you have helped previous clients get past it, then that solution can be a product you can sell.
Get creative! Many successful apps started because someone like you saw an opportunity no one else was addressing and pounced.
This can be said for other service industries as well. It's not the only approach though; if you're a coach or a speaker you've got potential for e-commerce as well.
Speakers and coaches undervalue themselves habitually. Your value is clear to many other businesses who have hired you so understand that your personal brand makes a big impact.
Take that knowledge and monetize!
Write a book, have shirts and mugs printed, or look at any other way to turn your knowledge into tangible items. These could be promotional items or anything else you think of.
You'll then not only be making money through sales but building your brand at the same time.
The big point here is not to limit yourself to your service and to recognize the potential of your knowledge. If you're having issues with this, we have a great mentoring program that can help you discover the hidden potential for e-commerce your brand offers.
2. You Don't Have the Time
This is the biggest reason most people don't get into online sales.
The setup, the maintenance, and the eventual product shipping all look like major time commitments.
The new reality of e-commerce for small businesses is these things take very little time.
The setup can be quick or take a long time and the barrier will actually be you. Being overly picky about design elements or quirky functionality always hold businesses back.
Always put the emphasis on your business servicing the user.
Really all you need to do is make sure your website can take and process an order and the information and products are presented clearly with as few steps as possible for the user to complete their purchase.
Maintenance can vary and often it's a good idea to start things yourself and then hire a third party or freelancer to handle the maintenance.
Sometimes there isn't much required other than logging in a few times a week, though once you see it all working you'll likely be inclined to check all the time (in a good way).
Shipping is as easy as applying an app to print shipping labels and then having the item picked up for delivery or taking the items to the post office.
Look at your potential profit margins and see what selling could mean for your business. You might be surprised at how much revenue you're missing out on!
3. It's Too Expensive
This is a major obstacle for many service-based businesses because they've seen how expensive it used to be to get into e-commerce, but it's not anymore.
We looked at the barriers such as making your service viable and how time can factor in. Both indicate loss of revenue for the existing business if you split your time and start up some e-commerce.
In reality it's unbelievably cheap to start selling online.
Whether you choose Woocommerce https://woocommerce.com/ for your WordPress website, open a Shopify https://www.shopify.ca/ store, or opt for BigCommerce https://www.bigcommerce.ca/ you won't have to break the bank to get up and running.
With Woocommerce the expense is whatever your professional web developer costs. This system works with WordPress so if you're already up and running with WordPress then you're cost will either be your time in trying to set it up yourself or the cost of getting it done professionally.
Shopify and Bigcommerce both make it much easier but they'll also either need to be installed as a subdomain of your existing website or you'll be setting up a whole new one.
These two have near identical pricing starting at $30 per month and this includes your hosting. They take care of everything such as credit card processing and there is no shortage of apps to handle functionality not native to their platforms.
Taking this approach will be time consuming though.
If you hire a professional developer for any of these systems, make sure they really know the platforms beforehand because they differ greatly right down to the programming languages they're built with.
Of course, there are plenty of other options to consider such as 1ShoppingCart or even Infusionsoft and Magento, which are considered to be higher-end options for large-scaled shops.
Ultimately, the short answer to the question is: no, it's not too expensive. This is because the price range starts with FREE.
The real cost is your time and the only risk is wasting it.
If you do elect to explore e-commerce as an option, put a lot of time into the planning. Not just one day of grinding out ideas but weeks of spit balling and brain storming.
Look around at what others in your industry have done and even more importantly what they've not done and plan everything out properly.
Hiring a professional business mentor to guide you can be the best decision you ever made. You'll be walked past the typical hiccups and hurdles and on your way to launching your e-commerce project much faster and with much less effort.
More and more service-based businesses are seeing the potential of e-commerce so the quicker you jump into the ring the better. For many, the e-commerce even takes over as the primary revenue driver.
Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.
If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy http://amplifybusinessacademy.com/ is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Susan_Friesen/260293
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10020125
Saturday, 13 April 2019
How To Choose The Right Products For Affiliate Marketing Success
To be successful with affiliate marketing, you've got to choose the right products to promote. You don't want to waste your time and money (if you run ads)https://ezinearticles.com/?How-To-Choose-The-Right-Products-For-Affiliate-Marketing-Success&id=9985918 marketing products that pay a low-commission and your target market doesn't really want to buy.
Commission Percentage
There are a lot of companies with affiliate programs. But they don't all pay the same levels of commission. Before you start promoting a product, look at how much commission they will pay you per sale. Be on the lookout for recurring income. Each time your customer pays for another month, you'll get an additional commission. Provided that they don't cancel, you will keep getting paid.
Are There Upsells?
An upsell is when the product owner offers follow-up products to your referral customer. If there are upsells, back-end products or one-time offers, it means you can break even on your advertising and marketing costs for the original offer, because you'll maximize your commissions on the other products. Just make sure that you will receive a commission on any upsells.
The Quality Of The Product
You can identify this in several ways. The first is to get a free copy, or to purchase it. The next is to check at the sales letter page that your customer will see. If the page is unappealing or very basic, odds are it might not convert as well as a more eye-catching one.
When browsing the product, ensure that it's current and worth the money your prospective customers are going to spend. You don't want to drive lots of traffic (and perhaps even spend money on ads), only to end up with lots of chargebacks because customers want a refund.
How Much Demand There Is For The Product?
There is a ranking called gravity, most typically seen on ClickBank, one of the top affiliate marketing companies for digital products. The gravity number shows the level of popularity of the product. The gravity ranking should be a minimum of 10 or more. If it's more than 100, it means that there is a great deal of competition for selling this product and you might struggle to get noticed.
Supporting Materials For Affiliates
The top affiliate marketing companies will usually give high-quality graphics, advertising banners, free content like email messages and content articles (which you ought to rewrite to change into your own unique content), and more. Find out if they have an area or support page for affiliates and take full advantage of what you find there.
Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at https://jonallo.com/affiliatechecklist
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9985918
Friday, 12 April 2019
Banner Ads and Pop Up Ads: Which Is Better For Increased Website Traffic?
The internet is full of banner ads for every possible company and product you can imagine. Although many complain about the forms of advertising, there is not much difference in internet advertising and telemarketing phone calls to your home.https://ezinearticles.com/?Banner-Ads-and-Pop-Up-Ads:-Which-Is-Better-For-Increased-Website-Traffic?&id=9856306
The interesting thing is however that web users prefer to be annoyed by internet ads over unexpected phone calls. This acceptance of ads has created a breeding ground for millions of pop-ups and banner ads on the internet. Sites use them individually or together, but some still wonder which is better for increased website traffic. Consumers have offered a response, perhaps not verbally, but with statistics of effectiveness.
Pop-ups are typically seen as annoying advertisements. Those that include blinking lights can even be hazardous to some users with certain medical conditions. They have been considered the most hated form of web advertising available. With pop-ups being so annoying however, consumers may wonder why they are still being used so frequently. The truth is that pop-ups are terribly aggravating, but they are indeed effective overall. For some crazy reason, there are millions of people who actually utilize them when they appear on their screen. This is partially due to many sites using pop-up ads as an excuse and reason for offering free services to site users. They will state that they must use these forms of ads in order to offer the site for free. Users, who don't want to pay, but still want to use the site, will likely accept the excuse without question.
The trouble with pop-up ads these days are that there are many programs on a computer that will not allow pop-ups. This means that when a pop-up is meant to appear on your screen, your installed pop-up blocker program does not allow it to happen and instead blocks the advertisement from reaching you, the user. These programs are very effective most of the time and can cost advertisers a great deal of money if the ad is not reaching the intended target. Advertisers are now coming up with newly programmed pop-ups however that can bypass these blocker programs and still deliver the ads to your screen, whether you like it or not.
Banner ads began to appear on websites in response to the annoyance consumers felt from pop-ups. Advertisers thought that if banner ads were not as bothersome, they may offer even better results than the pop-up ads. Many websites began putting online ads in all available areas of their site. Upon doing so, they soon realized that although banner ads are not typically as bothersome as pop-ups, they are also not as effective. Advertisers began using banner ads less frequently. Many of the banner ads were not as noticeable as an aggressive pop-up ad right in the user's line of vision. Some are off to the side of the screen and out of the direct eye contact.
Some advertisers would rather use banner ads when asked, because they seem more attractive to viewers. This may be more comfortable for the user, but it means something completely different to the advertiser. An advertiser wants their ad to be noticed, even at the user's expense. They would rather annoy the user and get the ads noticed than the ads simply sit being unnoticed. In whole, advertisers were not seeing a large turnout with banner ads, and therefore many sites no longer use them for advertising purposes.
The answer to whether or not pop-ups or banner ads are best really lies with who you speak with. Consumers are more fond of banner ads than aggravating pop-up ads. Advertisers however, will tell you the exact opposite. They both have a place on the internet and their own group of fans. Advertisers will continue to replace banner ads with pop-ups because they are more effective. The power of the choice lies in the hands of the advertisers at this time and until users want to force them to change their ways, the advertisers will continue to support pop-ups over banner ads.
James Savage has created a website that provides excellent online and offline marketing tips. Also, there are many free online training courses that will show you excellent website marketing strategies. To learn more about advertising your website go to https://MyHelpShack.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/James_Savage/318337
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9856306
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