Saturday, 30 May 2020
Friday, 29 May 2020
How to Write an eBook Fast for Beginners
If you want to create an E-book fast, or to consistently create content, one of the most important things to do every day is to create some kind of content. If you want to be a professional writer, you have to treat writing as your job. This applies to writing an E-book or having a popular blog or online business.
It does not matter if you are writing a book, publishing online, writing a Blog, or setting up some type of coaching or subscription website. You need to produce steady material for your readers. If you don't produce this fresh content, they will go elsewhere. By the same reasoning, what you are writing needs to be good and have value. A key point to keep in mind is that you are trying to solve a reader's problem. If you can offer a solution to a reader the reader will continue to come back because they know they will get value from your writing.
The content you produce daily does not always have to be a very long piece of writing or work. It could be a video or audio recording you produce that is short.. Working on content daily doesn't mean you have to immediately rush to publication. In fact, I would suggest that you do not rush to publication but rather produce content every day that can be edited and reworked as needed. In this way you can work on short pieces that have the same subject or the same theme, and then cut them together into a much longer piece for an article or a book.
If you don't have time to write a big piece, or you're not feeling like it, you can always write an outline or notes that can be turned into something later. The key here is that you're producing something everyday and getting into the habit of doing it.
Producing quality work is the first step in becoming a professional writer or blogger. If you can learn the techniques and skills required you can be successful. Readers and consumers are starved for good content. They want solutions to problems. If you can provide them solutions on a regular basis, they will be happy. In fact, they will pay for the solutions. Of course, you're content may not always be something you want to sell, s but rather a way to get your name or message out. Another benefit to producing content daily is that the more you produce content of one form or another, the better you are at producing quality content.
It is not uncommon for someone who writes professionally to produce 5000 - 10000 good words of content a day. It may seem like a lot when you were starting out, but there are many techniques a writer can use to increase their productivity. If you are serious about writing then you have to come up with an approach that works for you.
One approach I have found useful is to write a good title for the content you want to produce, Take some time with this step and make sure the title is specific and conveys what the content is really about. For instance, a good title for a piece of content might be, "Creating Content Everyday" or "How to Increase Writing Productivity Ten-Fold", while a title like "Writing More" or "Content Production" does not capture the key idea of daily production of content. Getting the title of a piece of content right is a key part of the content itself. The title should inform the writing process and enhance the writing itself. A poor title leaves the reader guessing what the content is about.
Once you have a good title--and you may end up modifying the title as you go along--you can mindmap or brainstorm some key points you want to get into your content. Depending on how much time you have to devote to your content production session, your pre-work on mindmapping or brainstorming may only take a few minutes or could be a session in and of itself.
One key point to consider is how well you know the topic you will be writing about. If you know the topic well, if it is something you have written about before, or are a true expert in, your planning session and outline may be bare bones and brief. Also, what kind of content you are producing is a driver in how thorough your preparation will need to be. For instance, you may do less preparation for a 300 word blog post, than you will do for a video-course or book you are working on. Finally, the more familiar you are with producing this particular type of content, the faster it will be. When you learn something new, you are always slower than when you have become an expert and have gone through the creation process numerous times.
To produce an E-book fast, you need a good title that clearly gives you and your reader a roadmap of what you are delivering. Then, make a solid outline that includes all the main points you are trying to get across. Under each main point, place yourself in your reader's position and think of all the possible questions they might have about the topic. Then, systematically do some research and make notes on the answers to these questions. Finally, sit down with your outline and write a rough draft from start to finish.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Are You Missing Out On Highly Targeted Subscribers?
If you are not using ezines to build your subscriber list, you are losing out on highly targeted subscribers.
Ezine readers are perfect for building your list as they are already familiar to joining lists, they are already on a list - the publisher's list.
They would have grown used to receiving ezines to their inbox and also become a very responsive market as they open and read the emails.
Ezine readers are also responsive to the ezine advertising as we know ezine advertisers advertise regularly.
If ezine advertising didn't work, the advertisers wouldn't continue to advertise. However, we know many businesses regularly advertise on ezines. Ezine advertising works.
As a natural process, we know people who generally get on one list would more than likely get on more lists. If an ezine subscriber sees something, they are interested in, very likely to join the list.
So as a marketer, you would need to identify specific demographics of your customer avatar/reader and offer something that matches their interests and lead them to join your list via your lead capture page.
Ezine readers are email centric consumers, as they buy things from ezines. If you offer something they are looking for, they will buy it.
Take a moment to think how many lists you are on right now?
If you are anything like me, it is probably a lot.
Consider this for a moment, have you ever bought anything from an email you have received?
I bet the answer is yes.
Well, the good news so has the ezine readers.
Ezine readers are used to getting quality, applicable and relevant information to their inboxes regularly.
Two Key Principles To Succeed In List Building With Ezines
Principle 1
You must know your ideal customer avatar.
You will need to speak to their known needs. The needs you already know they have. Ie. All busy moms want more time, and they also want to raise healthy and happy children.
Principle 2
You always need to use a lead capture page.
Always send visitors from your ezine ad to a lead capture page, therefore, allow them the opportunity to become a subscriber. You are then able to build repport by regular communication, and you can be of service to them as you get to know them better and especially their needs.
Lead capture Tips
- Always send visitors to a lead capture page by offering them a high-quality gift
- You can use a quiz or a survey
- Offer a gift that delivers high value
- Use curiosity to sell the opt-in.
Principle 3
A crucial component to getting high response levels to your ads in the ezine advertisement - Sell the click, not the product. Don't be tempted to sell your product in the ad. You want to focus on the single job of the advertisement, and that is to get the click. So, therefore, sell the click.
It is the job of the landing page to sell the opt-in and get the conversion.
So once you have received the click, it is the strength of the landing page to match the needs of the avatar that gets the opt-in.
Ezines are list building friendly so you can send the reader directly to lead capture pages. Slightly different from other platforms and social media who restrict sending visitors directly to lead capture pages.
Also remember ezine readers want information, as the reason they initially subscribed to the ezine was to receive information. So a product positioned on information the ezine reader is subscribed too - will achieve great successes.
Another brilliant aspect of the ezine market is ezines are topic-specific so you will be able to target accurately specific niches.
So you can accurately match readers existing needs by placing your ad on specific topics of interest to them and placing the ad to sell the click and sending the reader directly to the lead capture page.
When you know your customer avatar in-depth, and match their known needs with your product, you will find building your list will become easy.
Just remember you are not trying to convince the reader of something they are not interested in or trying to create a new interest in the reader. You are just matching your products with the readers already know interests.
Are you ready to tap into a highly targeted market who are grouped in specific topics - then start building your list with ezine marketing?
Friday, 15 May 2020
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
How To Get Your Content Seen On Social Media
Creating content for social media is an important part of every business's marketing strategy. It might be a blurb that goes with a link to a video or blog post, or it might be an infographic or meme to help you get a point or two across.
Plan Ahead
Most people seem to totally forget to plan ahead regarding social media content. This is a mistake. If you create a blog post, for example, then you should create a tweet, a Facebook post, and other blurbs for whatever social network that you plan to share the information on.
Add the Content to Your Calendar
Include social media content on your editorial calendar. If you know that in August you're going to promote a great new product or service, then you should also be planning for social content to use in that promotion - both leading up to the launch and during the launch.
Create Images for Social Media
Remember that images are a form of content, and that you need to create images for social media sharing. Images are more likely to be shared than text and are an important part of your marketing actions on social media. Using a variety of images as content, like infographics and memes, will increase shares and engagement.
Share More Than Once
It's important that you promote the content that you create and that you do it more than once. People do not check their entire social streams, so sharing the same content with new blurbs and a new spin on the information several times will increase the view rate exponentially.
Conduct A/B Testing
Also called split testing, you want to see what times, headlines, and topics get more attention than others. As you collect this data, you'll soon know exactly what time is best to share any updates with your social media followers.
Target Each Audience
Each social network has its own personality, and the portion of your audience that follows you and engages with you on each network is usually slightly different. Therefore, it's important to ensure that the content you create for each network is exclusive to that network.
Create Content Often
With social media you need to have content for every day of the week, and share it more than once per day. This can seem like a lot of content to create, but it all stems from the basic message you want to get across to your audience based on your promotions.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Friday, 8 May 2020
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Are You Using Your Blogging Gold Mine?
Did you know that your 'Comments Section' is a blogging relationship gold mine?
I know what you're thinking.
"Captain Obvious, of course I understand that the comments section is important to my audience."
Are You Cashing in?
If that is the case, why don't you cash in on this relationship gold mine? If your blog is not making you the money that you want from a blogging business, why not?
Maybe money isn't important to you, but becoming the leading authority in your field is. If you've not reached that level of success with your blog, I ask again, why not?
It may be because you're using the comments section of your blog incorrectly.
Don't just wait for a notification of a new comment. Don't simply log onto your blog every day, looking for your posts to see if there is a new comment for you to answer.
Become proactive.
The best way to use this section so that you and your audience both benefit is to do the following things.
- When you answer a blog comment, do so with an opt-in gift that answers the question, and builds your list.
- Publish really high quality, informative blog posts, and then ask your readers to tell you what they thought in the comments below.
- When responding to a comment on your blog, give that reader a free gift, and mention it in your response.
- Take frequently asked questions from your comments and use them to compile a special report or FAQs e-book that helps build your list.
- Tell your audience that if they leave a comment, you'll invite them to a free webinar or conference call where you spend an hour or two answering all of their questions.
Why Do Comments Matter?
You have probably seen countless blogs that had absolutely no comments at all.
This means the audience simply did not feel engaged enough to say something about what they just read. If someone does spend their valuable time commenting on your blog posts, you have a very warm prospect.
So many people that comment on blog posts never expect to get a reply because that has never happened in the past. When you reach out to commenters that respond to your blogging material, you can develop a very deep connection with just a few words.
Make sure to respond positively, never engage someone that has negative things to say, and this simple practice can boost the number of blog visitors you have, while also improving your image as an authority in your field.
Saturday, 2 May 2020
3 Simple & Effective Ways To Make Real Money Online
Ever since the introduction of internet and the possibilities it offered a lot of businesses saw the potential of increasing their exposure and made themselves available online which is when the digital economy started. With technology constantly evolving and internet speeds reaching the phase they are in now it became clear that digital economy would topple the traditional economy by a lot and become much better for profit. Recently the digital economy is one of the key drivers of the economic growth in the US and it's grown for about 7.2% annually for the past decade which is a rate about 4 times faster than the GDP. The development of technology has also made way for many businesses to easily improve their efficiency in many fields while having lower costs.
The digital economy has a few advantages over the traditional one and those are:
1. Effective resource allocation - in the digital world there is an option to get an algorithm that has information on what people search on Google, what they want and how they want it and it's much cheaper than paying people who may or may not be able to help you sell your product.
2. Location - it doesn't matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection and an online presence. You can be sitting at home in your pajamas and be able to make millions selling services or other products if your online store is well marketed.
3. Faster growth of small businesses - when you get your business online it would about $20-$30 to reach an audience between 3000-4000 people which means it would only cost so little to make your new business known to so many people out there that might be interested in your product or service.
Affiliate Marketing
Having a website or a blog that is frequented by a lot of people it one of the better things you can have to be able to make money online because if you have one of those you can use it to put up affiliate links and refer people to services for which you'll earn commission. If this sounds simple it's because it is but the hard part is to get to a website or a blog that a lot of people are reading. It takes some time for a new website to become popular and have a lot of traffic. It involves working hard and putting up content regularly but once you build your audience you can truly enjoy the passive income and quit your job to work from home.
Having a website or a blog that is frequented by a lot of people it one of the better things you can have to be able to make money online because if you have one of those you can use it to put up affiliate links and refer people to services for which you'll earn commission. If this sounds simple it's because it is but the hard part is to get to a website or a blog that a lot of people are reading. It takes some time for a new website to become popular and have a lot of traffic. It involves working hard and putting up content regularly but once you build your audience you can truly enjoy the passive income and quit your job to work from home.
The way affiliate marketing works is by offering commission for the products or services sold. There are a lot of websites that have various products and services listed and available, and all you have to do is sign up for their site and apply to be an affiliate for a product. Once you get approved (this usually happens really fast) you will get a unique link that you need to embed in you posts so your audience can see it and if they buy the product or service through this link you'll get a commission for it which can be anywhere from 20% to 200% depending on the product and the company offering it.
Make sure you refer your readers to products and services you really think are worth their trouble because if you refer them to something mediocre you might start losing your audience and your online income will take a hit. Do your research before you apply for any service to make sure you're an affiliate of something great and you can proudly present it to your readers.
There are various affiliate websites that you can sign up for and pick from the products and services they are offering including Rakuten Marketing, Share-a-Sale, Commission Junction, ClickBank, Impact Radius and a lot more but you don't have to use these sites to be an affiliate. There are many companies that recognized the potential in offering affiliate options on their own without using one of the websites above and they implemented an option where you deal with the company directly.
Overall, affiliate marketing is definitely the best way to make money online and build up your passive income which will allow you quit your day job and work from home and eventually pay people to work for you so you can enjoy your day and spend your time as you see fit.
eCommerce Business
eCommerce is a very fast growing business that people can utilize to take advantage of the rise of digital economy and make money online. This method also involves working from home and eventually it can be turned into a passive income stream that will only need maintaining rather than constant working and huge effort.
eCommerce is a very fast growing business that people can utilize to take advantage of the rise of digital economy and make money online. This method also involves working from home and eventually it can be turned into a passive income stream that will only need maintaining rather than constant working and huge effort.
The model for eCommerce businesses starts picking a niche and persona. Once you've done that you'll need a website on which you can create your online store and pick a product that you believe will sell well and have the highest profit margin. It has to be within the niche you picked and match the persona you decided to represent. It's best to start with just one product rather than many because it can get messy if the orders start coming in and you can't cover the costs right away. There might be problems with shipping and returns which is really hard for newly made websites. Once you've established a good profit margin for one product you can expand and find out what else is selling like crazy so you can put it up on your page for your visitors to buy.
It's pretty straightforward model but the eCommerce market today is highly competitive and it's not easy to compete with websites that are already well established and trusted by consumers. However, it's still one of the simplest and most effective ways to make real income online using the growth of digital economy.
Coaching and Consulting
Take Advantage Of The Many Apps Available
Apps that are available on your smart devices aren't just for fun and games. There are many apps that have the potential to make you a lot of money if you are really devoted to becoming a part of the digital economy and make money online. There are few apps available that you can use to find a coaching or a consulting job and one of those is the Task Rabbit.
Apps that are available on your smart devices aren't just for fun and games. There are many apps that have the potential to make you a lot of money if you are really devoted to becoming a part of the digital economy and make money online. There are few apps available that you can use to find a coaching or a consulting job and one of those is the Task Rabbit.
Task Rabbit
A very simple app to use that can make you some extra money. Clients post tasks on the app and you can apply for anything posted there. The various tasks can be simple and easy which would pay less and might go up to extremely complicated and require expertise in a field but they would also be paid more. To find a consulting or a coaching job you just need to search their database of jobs posted and see if there's anything available at the moment. You can also try other similar apps and not just stick to this one.
A very simple app to use that can make you some extra money. Clients post tasks on the app and you can apply for anything posted there. The various tasks can be simple and easy which would pay less and might go up to extremely complicated and require expertise in a field but they would also be paid more. To find a consulting or a coaching job you just need to search their database of jobs posted and see if there's anything available at the moment. You can also try other similar apps and not just stick to this one.
Utilize Money Making Websites
One of the better ways to join the digital economy and make money online is to use the websites available to everyone for making active and passive income. Some of the sites that are set up can be used to sell digital goods like designs for apparel but can also be utilized for consulting and coaching services. Basically the websites we're putting in this category are the ones that focus their attention on long term working relationships with freelancers in various niche areas including photography, design, content creation, online marketing, coaching and consulting. A few of the sites available on the web are the following.
One of the better ways to join the digital economy and make money online is to use the websites available to everyone for making active and passive income. Some of the sites that are set up can be used to sell digital goods like designs for apparel but can also be utilized for consulting and coaching services. Basically the websites we're putting in this category are the ones that focus their attention on long term working relationships with freelancers in various niche areas including photography, design, content creation, online marketing, coaching and consulting. A few of the sites available on the web are the following.
An amazing marketplace for freelancers to find a part time or even a full time job. It's great for selling any kind of digital service you can possibly imagine. The best thing is that what you need for this site is to be good at what you do. No need for creating your own website or a special merchant account. If your service is top-notch and your knowledge in the field you're working in is exemplary you have nothing to worry about. The only downside might be that there is a lot of competition and you'll have to "fight" to get a job but other than that it's an awesome place you can make money online which can easily turn into passive income.
An amazing marketplace for freelancers to find a part time or even a full time job. It's great for selling any kind of digital service you can possibly imagine. The best thing is that what you need for this site is to be good at what you do. No need for creating your own website or a special merchant account. If your service is top-notch and your knowledge in the field you're working in is exemplary you have nothing to worry about. The only downside might be that there is a lot of competition and you'll have to "fight" to get a job but other than that it's an awesome place you can make money online which can easily turn into passive income.
Another similar website to Upwork but on this one you're posting what you can do for a certain amount while the minimum amount is $5. So if you're looking for coaching clients you can post a gig that will let people know you're available for coaching sessions for an x amount of money and people who are looking for something like that will be able to see your gig and hire you to be their coach. Here's a link where you can sign up for Fiverr.
Another similar website to Upwork but on this one you're posting what you can do for a certain amount while the minimum amount is $5. So if you're looking for coaching clients you can post a gig that will let people know you're available for coaching sessions for an x amount of money and people who are looking for something like that will be able to see your gig and hire you to be their coach. Here's a link where you can sign up for Fiverr.
The digital economy is a very fast growing economy compared to traditional one and we should all take advantage of the opportunity it offers.
The digital economy is a very fast growing economy compared to traditional one and we should all take advantage of the opportunity it offers.
The 3 simple and effective ways that we present above are the ones that work best for building your passive income and while affiliate marketing is listed first and it's the best choice, eCommerce and offering consulting and coaching services are close seconds. Picking any of the three ways, or even a combination of them all is something that everyone who has a little knowledge and is ambitious should do. It's never been easier to go online and start your own small business while sitting comfortably on your couch and work from home.
Friday, 1 May 2020
8 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes You'll Want To Avoid
Affiliate marketing is a good way to produce an extra income but only if you are prepared and go about it the right way. Here are some mistakes you'll definitely want to avoid.
1. Choosing the Wrong Products
Any product you choose should offer a solution to a problem that your audience has. First choose who your audience is, then find solutions for them. Doing it the other way around can include the risk that there is not an audience for that product in the first place.
2. Joining Too Many Networks
You can't make good income from affiliate products if you spread yourself too thin. Choose just a couple networks and work directly with some good products and their managers to ensure the best mix of products for your audience's needs.
3. Not Investing in Helpful Resources
There are a lot of very helpful products, services and solutions today that can help make your life easier as an affiliate marketer. Set a budget and invest in your business. You can't make money without spending, but you want to spend it wisely.
4. Not Using Technology to Its Fullest
Email lists, autoresponders, social media, blogs etc... all involve using technology. Seek to learn fully each new piece of tech that you add to your business before adding the next one.
5. Not Looking at Your Competitors
Many times your competitors are doing a lot of things right that you can learn from. If they are successful, you want to look at them. Buy some of their products and sign up for the lists. Make a note of what they're doing right and wrong and make a plan to do even better.
6. Thinking You Don't Need SEO
Search engine optimization is important, no matter what you're doing. You can use it when you are completing a social media profile, a guest blogging bio, and more. It just means that you are considering the search engines (and your audience) in whatever you do, both on and off your website.
7. Not Finding Multiple Streams of Income
You don't want too many products, but on the other hand you don't want to deal with only one. You need to diversify your income stream by adding more than one product. The trick is ensuring that all products fit with your ideal audience.
8. Spending Too Much Time Creating Marketing Collateral
With most products, choose programs that create all the marketing material for you. The reason is that you should not be driving marketing strategy, the company should. If they can't take the time to create marketing materials for you, it's probably not the product you want to promote.
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