Saturday 3 August 2019

3 Cutting-Edge Blog Directories With FREE Submission That Can Help Your Blog Travel in SEO Space

A good way to get your blog out there in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Space is to use blog directories. Blog directories are websites which will categorize your blogs under many different categories. Usually the best blog directories are human edited, meaning that each submitted blog is reviewed by a person, not a robot, who will decides whether our blog belongs in their directory or not.
Now not only will blog directories help get your blog to people who are interested in the topic you write about but they will also provide strong back links and can help your posts get ranked in search engines. Also, note that many people search blog directories to research blogs that are similar to their blogs.
Did I hear someone ask "Whats a backlink?
A backlink is a link that one blog site gets from another blog site or static website. Backlinks can make a big impact on a website's ranking in search engine results. This is why they are considered so important for improving a blogs SEO ranking. Search engines will use their own methods to calculate rankings using multiple factors to display search results.
One of the many methods that can help your rankings is to submit your sites to blog and article directories. I am only going to focus on three directories I have recently submitted this blog to. In another post I will talk about article directories and perhaps other blog directories..

I am only listing those sites that I recently submitted to in June of this year and have a easy user-friendly portal. So, check them out for yourself. As I continue with my research I may post about others later after I submit my sites.
The site is easy to navigate. It does not make you feel like it is a "spammy site"I was quite surprised that the site I listed was indexed so quickly. So I am encouraged to submit more sites.
Blogflux lets you know on the first page that they currently feature 157,056 blogs. So you get excited about adding your blogs to the number. They stress the type of blogs they WILL NOT accept. It is an easy submission process.
Is also stupidly easy to navigate. It has been around for a long time so their is a high level of reliability. Their blog directory tab when clicked does not allow you the opportunity to search the categories. But I they make it easy to contact them. So I will let them know that this boomer is concerned. I am sure it will be corrected.
I used one of my handy forms from the Blog Management System to record the name of the directory, user name and password plus the specific blog I submitted.
If you have other favorite blog directories please share.
Need an organized approach to all your blogging? Get a Blog Management System that makes it easier to plan, produce and promote. Management System

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