Wednesday 23 October 2019

Simple But Effective Steps To Increasing Your Email Open Rate

Are you an email marketer losing nights on how to improve your email open rate? If you answered yes to this question, then grab a glass of chilled water and read this piece to the end.
To many, email marketing is plummeting but that's a pure lie. If you own a business and you are yet to start building your list, is a time you start.
Why build a list you may ask?
It is simple: email list gives you full control of your prospects and leads. If you depend on Facebook or any of the social media platforms, the owners could just wake up and set a new rule that might take you some time to implement in your business.
With an email list, no one makes and changes rules for you. You have your subscribers and sends broadcast whenever you want.
But the problem often associated with email marketing is how to increase email open rates and this can be done without losing nights.
Yes, you heard that right.
Follow these simple steps to increase your email open rate.

Write Engaging And Valuable Content
Your subscribers subscribed to your list because they are interested in the information that you promised delivering to them. And to keep them continuously interested in you, you have to consistently deliver on your promise.
In delivering your promise, you have to focus on delivering value to your list first before pitching - deliver more of valuable content.
And remember, creepy contents will cause your subscribers to lose interest in you. So strive to always deliver quality contents at all time.
Clear, Concise And Compelling Headline
The subject headline is where you make your first impression, the first thing your subscribers see whenever they receive your email is your headline, and their decision on whether to open your email or not is in a way determined by your headline.
You must always strive and dedicate ample time to crafting a clear, concise and compelling subject headline which by merely skimming through it will let them know what is in it for them.
Nobody wants to waste his/her time on what doesn't add value to his life. If you are really dead serious about increasing your open rate, you must try as much as you can to stop using a vague headline. Always ensure that your headline is relevant to the body of your email.
There's not as annoying as tricking someone with your headline to open your email, and the entire content is totally different from the headline.
Desist from such as it will only have one effect on your open rate - reduce your email open rate as a result of subscriber losing interest in you.
List Segmentation
This is another way of increasing your open rate but it has to be done with care. You could decide to segment your list in many ways. For example, it could be based on niche interest, purchase, opened messages or time since your last interaction. Splitting your list into segments helps you deliver high-quality contents, highly quality blasts and by so doing, improve your email open rates.
Personalize Your Email
Just like every other marketing copy, your email is much more likely to be opened and engaged if it sounds like it is written to a particular person.
Write as if you are talking to a person sitting before - write to a person and not persons.
If this sounds difficult, get a picture, place it before you and write as if you are talking to the person on the photo directly.
This level of familiarity will engage the subscriber and encourage him to keep opening your emails in the future.
Optimize Your Email For Mobile
Many have actually neglected this aspect in their email marketing. But it is actually one thing you mustn't joke with because 41% of email opens now happen on mobile.
And for you to grab your own share of this number, you must optimize your emails' layout on mobile so that it renders very well on mobile.
If it doesn't render well, it will cause people to lose interest in opening your emails since they can't read it and this will result in low open rate.
Subject Headline Length
Hitting the right number of subject headline is important because some email programs cut off some characters from a lengthy headline.
It is advisable that your headline should contain 50 characters. But it doesn't still mean that 40 or 60 characters won't work. But for you to achieve the maximum result, 50 characters is the general rule of thumb.
Send As A Person, Not As A Brand
If you are observant you will notice that most of the big brands send out their emails as a person and not as a brand.
They are not stupid for doing that. They actually understand the effectiveness of sending emails as a person and not as a brand.
People want to get in touch with real people and not inanimate objects.
Email marketing is not dead; it is still one of the best marketing strategies out there with its results speaking for it.
Always strive to make your emails stand out because you are competing with a very busy inbox, full of work, marketing and promotional emails.
And once your emails stand out from others, your email open rate will skyrocket.

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