Tuesday 12 November 2019

Top Tips for Video Marketing

Video marketing is going beyond just a fad that some people do and is quickly becoming an essential aspect of digital marketing strategies. Since more businesses are using video, the expectation of quality, and the need to create a piece that will capture the attention of viewers, for the right reasons, is more important than ever before. The competition for your attention is fierce - marketers know that they have only seconds to get you and keep you on their video, with most reports indicating that the average is 10 seconds.https://ezinearticles.com/?Top-Tips-for-Video-Marketing&id=9939562
That's it. 10 seconds is all you get for a viewer to decide whether they want to spend more time on your video or keep scrolling. Not a lot of time is it?
We've pulled together some of our top tips to help you get started with video marketing:
1. Start with a script - now we don't mean a script that your read off making your delivery stiff and uncomfortable, we mean have an idea of what you want to talk about and how its going to flow. If you're showing products, make sure they're within reach. Check your lighting and eliminate background noise (I even put a note on my door that alerts everyone that I'm recording).
2. Observe your own viewing habits, what captures your attention? Do a peer review of videos in line with your business - what did you like about the videos, what did they do well? How often do they post? How long are the videos? What could they have done better?
3. The first introduction to your video that your prospect will see is your thumbnail, so make it visually appealing and include text.

4. Even before your thumbnail is how they found you in the first place, so optimize your description and title for SEO and tag your video with relevant keywords.
5. Your video, although short, should have structure, start with create a story as a part of your video to keep your prospects engaged. Think of your video like a funnel, drawing your prospect further in.
6. A pitch is inevitable, but don't make that the intent of the video, give your prospects a tip that they can use right away.
7. Always include a call to action - this can be subtle in your video, but also in your description.
8. Don't make it your goal to go viral, make it your goal to provide informational content.
9. Keep it fun, but not too edgy (unless that's your market), if you are going to go viral, you don't want to go viral for the wrong reasons.
10. Don't be afraid to include subtitles for those who watch without sound. Many people who are at work, or scrolling through their feed without headphones, will typically watch but not listen to videos.
And one bonus tip: Video marketing takes time - more time than you realize! Invest in editing software, and expect that you'll be spending a few hours editing, creating the thumbnail, and perfecting the description.
We'd love the hear your video marketing challenges - have you embraced it? What's holding you back?
We help business owners find more time.

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