Saturday 18 May 2019

Coaching Program In a Week - Ten Steps to Launching a Coaching Program

So many people are still struggling to build a business online. Why is this the case?
Several factors could include:
However, there could be another reason developing in the industry.
It seems that there are not enough qualified people teaching it correctly. For this reason, many marketers have added a coaching program to their marketing arsenal, and they have been doing it for quite a while.
So in this article, you will learn ten (10) steps on how to do this. For this example, it is assumed that you have a subscriber list already, and that you know your subject well.
  1. Compile a list of ten (10) main subjects
  2. For each main subject, compile ten (10) subjects related to each main subject
  3. Sign up for a free teleconference service; they can be found easily
  4. Set up a coaching call
  5. Create an hour of content from your first main subject that you plan to teach
  6. Invite your subscribers to sign up for the call, and include the link to your sales page, or sign up page if it's a free call.
  7. Send a confirmation to all who signed up with the link to the call.
  8. On the morning of the call, send a reminder to all subscribers who signed up that the call is happening at the designated time, etc., and include the link to the call once more.
  9. Conduct the one hour call
  10. Open up the call for questions after you teach your subject

The entire list of steps here can be completed in one week. This is no joke. Unless you pay for a teleconferencing or webinar service, it will cost you nothing to set everything up.
However, if you find yourself stuck, do not be afraid to get some help.
That help could come in the form of a coach. Do not be alarmed. You may not have to pay for one. There may be several who may be willing to give you a hand.
So if you are ready to take your business to the next level, these ten steps could help you do it.
Thank you for reading my article. I would like to invite you to visit my website in order to find out how to get help with anything related to creating a coaching program, online marketing in general, or taking your business to the next level - even if the next level is the first!

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