Saturday 29 June 2019

Your 2019 Guide on How to Use Video in Email Marketing

It's not news that video is at the forefront of marketing these days.
From creating videos for your website to hosting Facebook Live sessions, this marketing tool has transformed from a nice-to-have to a must-have if you want to effectively engage with your audience and build a loyal following who will be more apt to purchase from you.
Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from the multiple messages people get in their inboxes every day, not to mention how effective it is on social media.
This article focuses on using video in your email marketing. Keep reading for the technical parts of utilizing video in your email marketing and the creative aspect for some inspiration.
I've talked about using video many times in the past, but in case you're still not convinced or didn't think to use video in your email marketing efforts, it's time to pay close attention. According to a study done by SuperOffice, including video in emails led to open rate increases of six percent (the average open rate across industries is about 25 percent).
Some other benefits of video marketing:
• It saves time. You can create short, engaging pieces of video much more quickly than it will take you to write an 800-word blog. It also gives info to your viewer in an easy-to-understand way.
• It can help SEO. Your Google search ranking can improve if your footage is viewed and shared by enough people.
• It's cost-effective. You don't need CGI effects or animation to make something great. A video can be much more affordable to produce than a blog or ad.
• It grabs attention. Especially when added into your newsletter, a video captures your audience's attention and compels them to want to watch.
First, the Technical Part of Video Email Marketing
Before you start brainstorming ways to use video in email, you need to know how it plays in different email clients.
There are over 30 major email clients, including Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail and Yahoo Mail, and some of them don't support the requirements for using email with video.
Traditionally, marketers would use HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) to code HTML video directly into an email, but recipients with certain email clients aren't able to play it. Many popular email providers will only show a fallback image, and your marketing message will be lost in the crowd.
Fortunately, some of the popular services like MailChimp, Constant Contact and AWeber make it easy to share across all providers by using a screen capture image of your video and linking it to your original content on your blog, YouTube, Vimeo or similar sites.
This gives the appearance there's actually video in your email and avoids technical issues with your email provider.
Instead of having to learn HTML5, there are also 3rd party services that can create a video snippet for you to include right in the body of your newsletter. In fact, I did this in a recent newsletter of ours!
Check out Playable to embed a short video in your next newsletter. Playable will replace the video with an image of your choice if the email service provider doesn't support the video technology.
>> Learn more about the features of our favourite email providers.
No matter what eNewsletter tool you use, it's crucial to test your campaign before you send it out. You'll need to have accounts on all of the popular email platforms so that you can see how your footage works in each of them.
Sound like a lot of work? Trust a professional marketing company that's been helping clients create successful eNewsletter campaigns since 2003.
Next, Make Sure You're Mobile
According to Hubspot, mobile opens accounted for 46 percent of all email opens. That means you have to ensure you're keeping smartphones in mind when you're email marketing with video.
Fortunately, eNewsletter providers such as MailChimp and Constant Contact let you test and see how your messaging will look before you send it out.
It's still important to keep the file size as low as possible so the video doesn't need to buffer to start playing. Mobile devices don't have the fastest download speed.
A good tip is to take a 10 second snippet of your video to use in the newsletter. That snippet can then link to the full feature on your blog.
Also, always make sure autoplay is off, especially on mobile. Most people don't appreciate having something start playing (often noisily) as they sit in the office or on a bus; they prefer to click on Play themselves.
Now, On to the Creative Part
With the technical stuff out of the way, let's look at how you can actually create content that will engage your viewers and get you more visitors to your website.
You need a plan with clear objectives or else you're just sending content out into the world and hoping it will be seen and loved.
Why are you creating this campaign? To generate leads, brand awareness, followers... ?
Once you've identified your objectives and goals, you can start thinking about actual email, and the content you want to produce.
As mentioned, host the full-length video in a blog post, landing page or even on social media and then plan to incorporate a "sneak peak" of that video in your email marketing campaign, linking to the full-length version.

Here are six tips and inspiration to get you started:
1. Use the word "video" in your subject line to make your message stands out.
2. Promote an event. Let's use a law office as an example. We created a short video using Wave.Video for one our clients, A Family Law Firm, to promote an upcoming seminar they were hosting.
3. Offer tips. When it comes to email marketing with video, users want short, digestible clips. A "Top 5" or "4 ways to improve" will get more attention than a 2-minute creation of you trying to explain a product.
4. Create a series. This is a great way to keep people engaged with your expertise, as long as what you're providing is valuable to them. Stay away from a five-part series on your latest offering. Instead, solve a problem.
Using the law firm video marketing again as an example, you could set up a list-building campaign and do a four-part video series on ways to prepare for a separation or divorce:
• Part 1: DIY or hire a lawyer?
• Part 2: Filing the necessary paperwork
• Part 3: Dividing assets
• Part 4: Supporting your children
5. Make tutorials. Your product or service solves a problem, so how can you showcase this to your clients? Educate your viewers with a short explanation around how your product or service will improve their lives, using real-world examples.
6. Think outside the box. Now, we don't all have the budget outdoor company Patagonia does; however, look at how they've integrated amazing footage into their email campaigns. It doesn't focus on their surfing gear, but it's relevant to their customers.
Whether you're a life coach shooting some footage while you're on vacation or a wellness provider offering viewers a glimpse of your dinner prep process, get creative and get shooting!
Email marketing with video can be incredibly powerful, increasing your open rates, engagement, leads and sales substantially.
However, not every email should contain one. If you start using this marketing tactic every time you send out an eNewsletter to your subscribers, they'll stop paying attention. Think of it as one way to stand out from the crowd, but don't neglect your other tactics.
Crafting an eNewsletter campaign with video (or without), choosing the right email provider, testing and monitoring open rates and engagement is a tough job. And, it needs to be done well or else you'll end up alienating and losing subscribers.
Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.
As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.
Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".

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12 Best Side Hustle Ideas for 2019 [That Pay Well]

Twitter Tutorial - Top 5 Twitter Tips

Friday 28 June 2019

She Makes $40,000 Per Month on Amazon at 23 Years Old

Improving Your Social Media Profile Quickly and Easily

You have a social media profile for every one of the social media channels that you have joined. You are probably aware of the fact that you must stay on top of your social media profiles once you create them. It isn't enough to simply create the profiles and then leave them alone. If you do that, they won't give anything back to you.
Quick and painless changes to your social media profiles
There are many different tweaks that you can make to your profiles and they don't necessarily have to take a lot of time or effort to accomplish. However, if you make the changes (at least the ones that seem to make sense for your particular business), you will see a significant difference in the way that other people respond to you.
Enhancing your social media profiles will take you very little time and very little effort.
  • Check the sizes of your images on the profiles: When dealing with the images, you will want to make sure that they are optimized (that means each and every one of them). Optimizing them means that you check the specifications of the particular social media channels and you ensure that the dimensions of your photos match those specifications. It will not take you any time at all to verify the dimensions and to make sure that your photos are within those guidelines. You shouldn't necessarily assume that your photos should be perfect squares. That will not necessarily be the case. One good reason why you want to make sure that your photos are up to par is that they may be used (by you or someone else) in other places on the Internet.
  • Make sure that your profile photos are consistent across all of your social media channels: Your photo should be a clean, professional headshot and you should use it on all of your channels. If that means that you need to get your photo taken by a professional, it is probably worth the investment. After all, that photo will be seen by so many people and your photo is a strong representation of who you are. You want people to get used to seeing that photo and associating it with your brand.

  • Untag yourself: If you see that you are tagged in photos in the various social media channels and those photos are either not flattering or just plain inappropriate (or anything in between), there is nothing wrong with untagging yourself (or disassociating yourself) from those photos. Why would you want to be associated with photos that can potentially damage your reputation? You should be aware that some of the more popular social media channels allow you to disassociate quite easily. You will want to check the tags on a regular basis. If you don't keep tabs on the tags, they may do your business some harm.
  • Make sure that your profiles have keywords for optimization: No matter which business you are in, you still need to make sure that all of your content (no matter where you put it) is optimized. The reason that you want to do that is so that people can find you when they are searching for what you happen to be offering. The fact is that you want them to find you before finding anyone else first.
  • Make sure that your profiles are complete: You don't want people to look at your profiles and not be able to see the whole picture. That is just not effective. You can easily avoid that by just paying attention to your profiles and filling in the gaps. It won't take you very long. As you are filling in the missing content, make sure that you make that content as engaging as possible.
  • Connect one social media profile to the others: That is a really good thing to do and it will produce great results. You will want to test the links among the social media profiles. There is nothing more annoying than clicking on a link only to see that nothing happens.
Your social media profiles are an important part of your business and you can't afford to let them stagnate. Using share buttons will help you to keep it interesting. Not only should you fill in all of the fields in your profiles but you should also make sure to update them on a regular basis (but not too frequently). You will want to share all sorts of interesting information (both words and images) so that you hold the interest of your target audience. You always want your content to be fresh, current, and engaging at all times.
Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.
His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.
Mr. Cohn earned a Master's degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master's degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.
Mr. Cohn is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
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Monday 24 June 2019

Where To Focus Your Online Marketing When Building Your Email List

You need to build your email list and keep your audience interested in what you have to say by sending emails often. You also want to send information to social media networks. But, you're sending info to social networks to build your list. You're sending messages to your email list to make sales.
Almost all your marketing energy should be focused on content marketing. After all, all types of marketing have content in them, right? But, it does all lead to one thing and that is getting people on your email list.
Blog Posts
You don't have to put a blog up every single day, but when you have something good to share with your audience it should start as a blog post. Whether you create a video, a meme, or host a webinar, start it as a blog post and share from there so that all traffic comes to your website first. Once they get there, you want to get them on your email list.

When you want to build your email list, a webinar is a great type of content to create. It can help you build your email list like nothing else can. You simply need a good topic, and you can start with your most popular blog post and use that. Then you need webinar technology that enables you to collect email information.
Whether live streaming or recorded video, this type of content is big today. People like to use their mobile devices and it's easier to watch a video than reading text on it due to the size. But, when you create any videos, and after the live is done, embed it into a blog post and share it from there to build traffic to your site and build your email list.
Content Upgrades
One type of content that is working today to build your email list is content upgrades. A content upgrade is linked to additional content and information such as white papers, checklists, and reports that are gated content. It requires an email address to download it and consume it. This type of content is just a little bit more information than what is publicly available on your blog.
Email Content
Email your audience regularly or else they'll forget about you.You can email them a notice that you have a new blog post and why you think this post is important. You can send an email announcing your next live event. You can send an email about an amazing discussion happening in your group. You can also send an email about a personal happening that is connected to your next offer.
Social Media
Using social media is a great way to get traffic to your website, but not if you don't include a link. You can share your newest content by linking to it on social media. You can also share a blurb about some great content with a commented link inside.
On average, a prospect needs to see your messages 7 to 8 times before they trust you enough to buy something. Email is the perfect way to deliver these messages. To learn the proven strategies to take an email subscriber from prospect to paying customer, download my free Sales Funnel Checklist at

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Organic Reach on Facebook: How to increase it in 20198

Saturday 22 June 2019

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that is a good place for newbies to start an online business.
People who want to change their life for the better. When I joined. I thought nothing ventured, nothing gain. It was free so what did I have to lose.
I looked at what they were offering and it was impressive so I researched further.
What do you get with the Free Wealthy Affiliate membership?
I was blow away with the amount of training I got with the Free Wealthy Affiliate membership when I joined.
  • 2 Websites
  • Getting Started Training Course for beginners
  • Affiliate Program
  • Networking
  • Live Help - for first 7 days
  • Website Hosting Platform
  • Affiliate Boot-camp Training Course - Phase 1
  • Video Walk through
  • Site Content Writing Platform
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Support (Live Chat, Site Support, Q & A)
  • And much More
As I said earlier I was impressed so I sign up not really knowing what was going to happen next apart from getting a free website, which I thought was okay. because to be honest I can get a free website in so many different places.
Then I started the training and then I realised I had made a good decision to join.
The Training
The training was easy to follow and it was step by step, my kind of language. And I was building a website along side the training. so I could see the progress in real-time.
It took me about an hour to get the website published. Most of that time was taken up by thinking of what niche to work in and the name of the website.
Writing Content
Then I was learning how to write content to add to this amazing website. just built.
Writing content was a lot easier that I thought it would have been, because of the content writing templates.
The Templates
The templates make life a lot easier to get started because it takes care of the business side of the business and all you have to do is to think of your niche, then you are good to go.

The Affiliate Program
You get offered the affiliate program, which put simply is to offer other newbies all the good stuff that you have learned and are learning.
This is really easy as you know your product because you have been using it. You know it works and you know how it works.
The training is designed to get you up and running as soon as possible. It works at your pace.
Two Free Websites
You get two fully functioning websites. You could have one for the affiliate program and reviewing other affiliate programs and the other for your passion.
The Community
The Community at Wealthy Affiliate are second to non. They are there to help one another and you can ask as many questions as you can come up with. The response time to many questions are within minutes of asking.
This is like one of the cherries on the cake.
What is the big deal with Wealthy Affiliate?
It works and results are growing. The only thing left to do is to give it a try for yourself. As I mentioned earlier the proof is in the pudding.
If you like what you have read please like and share and if you would like to know more about Wealthy Affiliate please contact me.
I am Jennifer David and I am a passionate Solutions Focused Life Coach
I believe that the possibilities in life are unlimited and that we all have the power within us and the knowledge of this can only empower and motivate individuals.
I love to share what I have learned and learning on my journey with others.

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5 Steps for Gaining Followers

Friday 21 June 2019

6 Tips For Writing Successful Affiliate Newsletters

Engaging readers and offering unique propositions in a convincing tone can maximize your earnings from affiliates. The challenge is acquiring a writing style that can elicit a response from subscribers to act on your call-to-action.
The specific action will depend on each affiliate, but at the end of the day, it is you who must compel readers to act!
The following are 6 tips for writing successful affiliate newsletters.
1. Know the demographic
Anticipate and meet the needs of your subscribers. Know the demographic better than they know themselves.
Consider why they are visiting your site and provide what you believe they are looking for. Any affiliate products you promote should be there as an answer to your subscribers' problems.
This means carefully selecting affiliates that are most likely to relate to subscribers. Do not associate with anyone simply because of a high payout. The more relevant your affiliates are, the better the chances of a subscriber taking action and becoming a customer.
2. Write effective yet uniform subject lines
The effectiveness of your subject line ultimately determines whether the rest of your content gets read but by maintaining a consistent format with your subject lines, subscribers will eventually recognize your emails in their inboxes and associate them with the positive attributes of your business.
Readers should be able to see your subject line and associate it with your brand before they even look into the content. Make subtle changes when necessary but generally, the less change the better.
Train subscribers to recognize your newsletters in their inboxes with consistent and uniform subject lines.

3. Provide additional reviews
Take the time to write additional reviews and guide prospective clients in the direction of corresponding affiliates. Smartly include resources that complement your own products or services to enhance the quality of content in congruence with those of your affiliates.
Essentially, this is what affiliate programs were created for. If a recommended product is purchased because of the encouragement from your newsletter, take it as a sign that your marketing strategies are working!
4. Remain relevant
Make sure that your content stays up to date on the latest programs offered by your affiliates. Utilize the new tools that are continuously being added to improve usability and enhance visual appeal for newsletters.
Small but consistent alterations or improvements will help maintain freshness in your newsletters.
Remember that it is important that you routinely monitor trends while exploring new opportunities to keep the content of your newsletters relevant.
5. Add variety
It may take a few trial runs to figure out which tone of voice works best with your content.
Different affiliate programs and varying factors will alter the effectiveness of your newsletters. Try out a few different combinations of content and strategy to find what attracts the attention of a wider audience.
6. Establish trust
Build a relationship and establish trust with readers based on genuine content. Loyal subscribers-turned-clients will drive the most traffic, provide link-backs, and recommend your site to others.
Promote transparency by disclosing all of your affiliates and put subscribers at ease, knowing exactly what they are supporting. Never promote a product that you don't believe in or bombard readers with too many ads. Honesty and full disclosure are necessary to build trust and encourage the use of referral links.
Affiliate newsletters offer information on a variety of products and services that allow for flexibility and originality in the methods of conducting business online. Ensure that yours is up to par by following these 6 tips when writing your next affiliate newsletter.
If you are looking for an Online Digital Marketing Course or a SEO Course in Delhi, please visit our site Delhi Courses.

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5 Social Media Marketing Tips to Dominate in 2019

Thursday 20 June 2019

How Transparent Do You Need To Be When Promoting Affiliate Products?

If you promote affiliate products, this means that you promote someone else's products and they give you a commission for each sale. There are many rules and regulations you must follow in order to practice affiliate marketing properly. The truth is, the more transparent you are, the better.
One thing to remember is that being transparent in business is beneficial to everyone. Letting people know that your link to that helpful product is an affiliate product promotes trust. Giving the link without telling may not seem like a problem, but some people do get upset about that and feel as if they were lied to.By law you are required to:
Provide Contact Information
You cannot hide behind your computer and not be who you really are in today's online world, and you shouldn't want to. You're there to serve your audience and customers and they need to get in contact with you. Provide easy to find contact information in as many ways as you can afford.
Provide On-Page Disclosure
Every visitor that comes to your page should have the opportunity to read that you earn money via affiliate links and product promotion. That means that on any page you sell a product, you should include the disclosure. You can find a plugin to help with this, or use shortcode if you use WordPress.

A Policy Page
Create a whole page devoted to explaining all your policies so that any website visitors can look at that page to find out the nature of your business. You should address all partnerships, how things are fulfilled, communication, and so forth. For example, your customers should know that if they buy something from a link, they should seek customer service for that product with the place they purchased from - but that you still want to know if they have more problems.
Other Useful Data
The fact is, any data you can provide makes you more transparent. It also makes your audience's experience feel safer and makes them more comfortable. For example, include testimonials, recommendations, short reports and so forth about the products you are recommending. Anything you think will help build trust and make you more transparent to your audience you should do.
But, even if it was not a matter of law, transparency really builds that know, like, and trust factor that everyone wants so badly. When you tell people that you are making money promoting something, it does not take away from the fact that you're selling something that solves their problem.
Companies are happy to pay commissions to people just like you, in return for selling their products and services. You have the potential to make a great income when you choose the right niche, stay committed, and understand your audience. For a no-nonsense, kick-start guide to getting started, download my free checklist, Affiliate Marketing For Beginners at

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Best Social Media Marketing Strategy In 2019 - Gary Vaynerchuk | Entrepreneur Advice

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Your 2019 Guide on How to Use Video in Email Marketing

It's not news that video is at the forefront of marketing these days.
From creating videos for your website to hosting Facebook Live sessions, this marketing tool has transformed from a nice-to-have to a must-have if you want to effectively engage with your audience and build a loyal following who will be more apt to purchase from you.
Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from the multiple messages people get in their inboxes every day, not to mention how effective it is on social media.
This article focuses on using video in your email marketing. Keep reading for the technical parts of utilizing video in your email marketing and the creative aspect for some inspiration.
I've talked about using video many times in the past, but in case you're still not convinced or didn't think to use video in your email marketing efforts, it's time to pay close attention. According to a study done by SuperOffice, including video in emails led to open rate increases of six percent (the average open rate across industries is about 25 percent).
Some other benefits of video marketing:
• It saves time. You can create short, engaging pieces of video much more quickly than it will take you to write an 800-word blog. It also gives info to your viewer in an easy-to-understand way.
• It can help SEO. Your Google search ranking can improve if your footage is viewed and shared by enough people.
• It's cost-effective. You don't need CGI effects or animation to make something great. A video can be much more affordable to produce than a blog or ad.
• It grabs attention. Especially when added into your newsletter, a video captures your audience's attention and compels them to want to watch.

First, the Technical Part of Video Email Marketing
Before you start brainstorming ways to use video in email, you need to know how it plays in different email clients.
There are over 30 major email clients, including Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail and Yahoo Mail, and some of them don't support the requirements for using email with video.
Traditionally, marketers would use HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language) to code HTML video directly into an email, but recipients with certain email clients aren't able to play it. Many popular email providers will only show a fallback image, and your marketing message will be lost in the crowd.
Fortunately, some of the popular services like MailChimp, Constant Contact and AWeber make it easy to share across all providers by using a screen capture image of your video and linking it to your original content on your blog, YouTube, Vimeo or similar sites.
This gives the appearance there's actually video in your email and avoids technical issues with your email provider.
Instead of having to learn HTML5, there are also 3rd party services that can create a video snippet for you to include right in the body of your newsletter. In fact, I did this in a recent newsletter of ours!
Check out Playable to embed a short video in your next newsletter. Playable will replace the video with an image of your choice if the email service provider doesn't support the video technology.
>> Learn more about the features of our favourite email providers.
No matter what eNewsletter tool you use, it's crucial to test your campaign before you send it out. You'll need to have accounts on all of the popular email platforms so that you can see how your footage works in each of them.
Sound like a lot of work? Trust a professional marketing company that's been helping clients create successful eNewsletter campaigns since 2003.
Next, Make Sure You're Mobile
According to Hubspot, mobile opens accounted for 46 percent of all email opens. That means you have to ensure you're keeping smartphones in mind when you're email marketing with video.
Fortunately, eNewsletter providers such as MailChimp and Constant Contact let you test and see how your messaging will look before you send it out.
It's still important to keep the file size as low as possible so the video doesn't need to buffer to start playing. Mobile devices don't have the fastest download speed.
A good tip is to take a 10 second snippet of your video to use in the newsletter. That snippet can then link to the full feature on your blog.
Also, always make sure autoplay is off, especially on mobile. Most people don't appreciate having something start playing (often noisily) as they sit in the office or on a bus; they prefer to click on Play themselves.
Now, On to the Creative Part
With the technical stuff out of the way, let's look at how you can actually create content that will engage your viewers and get you more visitors to your website.
You need a plan with clear objectives or else you're just sending content out into the world and hoping it will be seen and loved.
Why are you creating this campaign? To generate leads, brand awareness, followers... ?
Once you've identified your objectives and goals, you can start thinking about actual email, and the content you want to produce.
As mentioned, host the full-length video in a blog post, landing page or even on social media and then plan to incorporate a "sneak peak" of that video in your email marketing campaign, linking to the full-length version.
Here are six tips and inspiration to get you started:
1. Use the word "video" in your subject line to make your message stands out.
2. Promote an event. Let's use a law office as an example. We created a short video using Wave.Video for one our clients, A Family Law Firm, to promote an upcoming seminar they were hosting.
3. Offer tips. When it comes to email marketing with video, users want short, digestible clips. A "Top 5" or "4 ways to improve" will get more attention than a 2-minute creation of you trying to explain a product.
4. Create a series. This is a great way to keep people engaged with your expertise, as long as what you're providing is valuable to them. Stay away from a five-part series on your latest offering. Instead, solve a problem.
Using the law firm video marketing again as an example, you could set up a list-building campaign and do a four-part video series on ways to prepare for a separation or divorce:
• Part 1: DIY or hire a lawyer?
• Part 2: Filing the necessary paperwork
• Part 3: Dividing assets
• Part 4: Supporting your children
5. Make tutorials. Your product or service solves a problem, so how can you showcase this to your clients? Educate your viewers with a short explanation around how your product or service will improve their lives, using real-world examples.
6. Think outside the box. Now, we don't all have the budget outdoor company Patagonia does; however, look at how they've integrated amazing footage into their email campaigns. It doesn't focus on their surfing gear, but it's relevant to their customers.
Whether you're a life coach shooting some footage while you're on vacation or a wellness provider offering viewers a glimpse of your dinner prep process, get creative and get shooting!
Email marketing with video can be incredibly powerful, increasing your open rates, engagement, leads and sales substantially.
However, not every email should contain one. If you start using this marketing tactic every time you send out an eNewsletter to your subscribers, they'll stop paying attention. Think of it as one way to stand out from the crowd, but don't neglect your other tactics.
Crafting an eNewsletter campaign with video (or without), choosing the right email provider, testing and monitoring open rates and engagement is a tough job. And, it needs to be done well or else you'll end up alienating and losing subscribers.
Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.
As a result of working with Susan and her team, clients feel confident and relieved knowing their online marketing is in trustworthy and caring hands so they can focus on building their business with peace of mind at having a perfect support system in place to guide them every step of the way.
Visit and download your FREE "Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Website's Profitability - 10 Critical Questions You Must Ask to Get Maximum Results".

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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Which Is Better for Building Your Small Business: Pinterest or Instagram?

Discover which platform your ideal users prefer and how to you know if it's right for growing your business
Visual aggregator platforms for social media marketing really boil down to the two majors: Facebook-owned Instagram and Pinterest.
Both have their own way of presenting images and allowing users to compile images they like but they also have limitations that may push your ideal users towards the other option.
Growing your business with Instagram is a great idea but don't count Pinterest out.
The main appeal of Instagram is the images are supposed to be unique and even candid. Overly corporate posts seldom do well, and users don't want to see traditional advertising methods employed.
Pinterest allows users to curate images from anywhere online and on the platform.
The images are often very polished and professional. Traditional advertising methods are also seen a lot more on this platform such as how-tos and DIY posts.
Demographics will play a big role in your decision. Is your product or service more appropriate to women?
If so then Pinterest is for you. The most recent stats show within Pinterest user demographics that women make up over 70% of Pinterest users.
Pinterest also draws in a slightly older, domestic demographic.
What about services that are better promoted through a discussion? Are you a speaker who wants to show off a recent speaking engagement and create a dialogue around your expertise?

These make you an ideal candidate for using Instagram to promote your small business.
Remember this audience is a fair split between men and women and Western vs. International users. They like to see photos and videos of what you do or sell in action and they like to engage the poster if possible through the comments section.
The best business Instagram accounts show off your core brand identity.
Are you hoping to sell items through a post that links back to the page on your site with that product or service?
Instagram only allows one place a user can click through from. With IG you get one link in your profile bio. Whereas with Pinterest, you can link from the actual post like a traditional ad.
The big difference is how you intend to start your customer experience.
If they start with you at a brand level and you intend to use the entire account to create the first step in your conversion, Instagram is great. For anything where the user starts at the actual post level, Pinterest is going to be better for you.
It's something you can plan for if you haven't already.
Look at your ideal client as you defined them and evaluate the demographic information in your analytics. If you deal locally or even nationally to women and you're selling a product, then Pinterest is obviously the best option.
If your online marketing is about building a brand around your expertise and location isn't as important nor gender then you would be better served by Instagram.
If you can't nail down which would serve you better you can always try both!
Having the capacity to create content suitable to both platforms and manage both profiles is great.
If you do elect to use both a good rule of thumb is: Pinterest for images of what you're offering and Instagram for images of you creating those images.
If you make a Top 10 list with a polished image you can use that on Instagram as well but get lots of video and images of you creating the image that goes with that list and post those to Instagram!
Once you see better traction on one you can then focus your efforts on it.
Pinterest is a fantastic tool for many businesses but if your business is your brand and you're building your online reputation, Instagram is going to be a better option.
Vary your content but remember when users do follow you, they do so for a reason so don't stray from your core brand identity.
Susan Friesen, founder of the award-winning web development and digital marketing firm eVision Media, is a Web Specialist, Business & Marketing Consultant, and Social Media Advisor. She works with entrepreneurs who struggle with having the lack of knowledge, skill and support needed to create their online business presence.
If you are new to Social Media and online marketing or find it overwhelming and confusing, my monthly group coaching program, AMPLIFY! Business Academy is a perfect way for you to incrementally learn the best strategies and tactics to help you grow your business online.

Article Source:

How To Get Your First 10,000 Instagram Followers (Without Buying Them)

Monday 17 June 2019

Procrastinating Isn't LEADING!

Many observers of organizations, are concerned about the apparent dearth of genuine leadership, we are, so often, witnessing, today! Far, too few, of the people, who, are, either, elected, selected, and/ or, appointed to positions of leadership, appear to be, prepared, to lead, in a meaningful, relevant, sustainable way! Perhaps, because of their fear, of making a mistake, and being blamed, or, rocking - the - boat, too many of them, resort to procrastination! However, procrastinating, is not LEADING, and until, organizations, recognize this need, to effectively plan, and train their leaders, groups will fail to achieve, to their potential! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why, relevant, sustainable, groups, need to seek better!!&id=10132866
1. Listen; learn; leadership: Effective leadership requires, effective listening, and a willingness, to learn, thoroughly, from every conversation and experience, in order to proceed, with the utmost degree of relevant, priorities - based, perceptions - oriented, leading!
2. Efforts; empathy; emphasis; energize; excellence: Great leaders efforts, concentrate on genuine empathy, and place a concerted effort, and emphasis, on energizing the organization, and stakeholders, in an inspiring, motivating manner! A real leader, always, demands his utmost degree of personal excellence!
3. Attention; attitude; aptitude; articulate: The quality of a leader, may be measured by, whether he pays keen attention, to the true priorities, needs, and perceptions of his constituents! He must proceed, with a positive, can - do, attitude, combined with a well - developed, relevant, skill - set, and aptitude, Part of the responsibility includes, being ready, willing and able, to articulate a message, which inspires, motivates, and focuses on quality priorities, needs, and goals!
4. Delve deeply; discover: Go beyond the surface, avoid empty promises, and rhetoric, and consider options and alternatives, by committing to delve deeply, and discovering, the best paths to pursue!            

5. Investigate; imagine; innovate; introduce; ideas; ideology; integrity: Begin by investigating the priorities, needs, perceptions, options, and alternatives, with a well - developed, quality, relevant imagination! Imagine the possibilities, and be prepared to innovate, for the common good! A meaningful leader, consistently, introduces, ideas, which align with the core ideology, of the organization, and planning, strategically, and creating, a relevant, action plan! However, this must be done, with genuine integrity, instead of seeking the path of least resistance!
6. Needs: It's not leading, unless it's based on needs, goals, and priorities, while addressing perceptions, on a consistent basis!
7. Generate goodwill; growth: Real leadership emphasizes generating goodwill, in order to inspire more commitment, and, thus, create an organization, which undergoes, persistent, regular, growth!
If you prefer, procrastinating, you shouldn't be a leader! The focus of LEADING must be, making a quality difference, for the better!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

Article Source:

5 Things That Will Make You Wealthy - Dave Ramsey Rant

Saturday 15 June 2019

YOUR SUCCESS Is Much Closer Than You Realize (If You'll Only Stop Doing This)

When one of my clients, "Susan," an entrepreneur, first started working with me she was anxious about her lack of success in her own business. She wanted to make more money and have more clients, but that wasn't happening for her, even though she was very good at what she did.
During our initial coaching calls, she'd complain about what others in her industry were doing.
This has happened to all of us at one time or another.
These were some of the topics:
• The results they got for their clients (she thought her results were better)
• The amount of money they were charging their clients (which she thought was outrageous!)
• How they didn't have to promote their business (and how their clients "magically" came to work with them)
• How they had lots of partnerships with other successful people (Susan had none)
• They didn't "like" or "share" her social media posts (she never "liked" theirs)
• They didn't accept her event invitations (and she went to some of theirs)
• And, so on.

Not until I was able to get her to appreciate the success that others were having, did she start having more abundance that she desired. We did this powerful transformation through marketing strategies and a variety of mindset work, such as tapping, Laws of Attraction and neuroscience.
If you find that you're not having the results that you would like, I'm recommending that you ask yourself how you are talking and thinking about other successful people. Take some private time and journal what you come up with.
Here are a few questions to start you off.
When you think of others:
  • Do you think of them positively or negatively?
  • What do you say about their success when talking to others about them?
  • Are you happy for their success? Do you believe they deserve it?
  • How do you compare yourself to them?
As I teach my clients, you can't be "rich" if you think that all rich people are evil. You won't attract won't you don't like. That means you need to shift your mindset about what being wealthy means to you. As in the case with "Susan", you can't become successful if you're envious of others more successful than you.
This powerful transformational work can be challenging to do on your own. It may be time for you to hire an expert (me) to help you get to that next level.
Please accept my gift to you of a chapter from my brand-new book "Go or Don't Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance.
My first book was a best seller and I'm so excited to share this new book with the world. It's getting 5-star reviews! Enjoy!

Article Source: