Monday 24 June 2019

Where To Focus Your Online Marketing When Building Your Email List

You need to build your email list and keep your audience interested in what you have to say by sending emails often. You also want to send information to social media networks. But, you're sending info to social networks to build your list. You're sending messages to your email list to make sales.
Almost all your marketing energy should be focused on content marketing. After all, all types of marketing have content in them, right? But, it does all lead to one thing and that is getting people on your email list.
Blog Posts
You don't have to put a blog up every single day, but when you have something good to share with your audience it should start as a blog post. Whether you create a video, a meme, or host a webinar, start it as a blog post and share from there so that all traffic comes to your website first. Once they get there, you want to get them on your email list.

When you want to build your email list, a webinar is a great type of content to create. It can help you build your email list like nothing else can. You simply need a good topic, and you can start with your most popular blog post and use that. Then you need webinar technology that enables you to collect email information.
Whether live streaming or recorded video, this type of content is big today. People like to use their mobile devices and it's easier to watch a video than reading text on it due to the size. But, when you create any videos, and after the live is done, embed it into a blog post and share it from there to build traffic to your site and build your email list.
Content Upgrades
One type of content that is working today to build your email list is content upgrades. A content upgrade is linked to additional content and information such as white papers, checklists, and reports that are gated content. It requires an email address to download it and consume it. This type of content is just a little bit more information than what is publicly available on your blog.
Email Content
Email your audience regularly or else they'll forget about you.You can email them a notice that you have a new blog post and why you think this post is important. You can send an email announcing your next live event. You can send an email about an amazing discussion happening in your group. You can also send an email about a personal happening that is connected to your next offer.
Social Media
Using social media is a great way to get traffic to your website, but not if you don't include a link. You can share your newest content by linking to it on social media. You can also share a blurb about some great content with a commented link inside.
On average, a prospect needs to see your messages 7 to 8 times before they trust you enough to buy something. Email is the perfect way to deliver these messages. To learn the proven strategies to take an email subscriber from prospect to paying customer, download my free Sales Funnel Checklist at

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